I'm a data scientist, statistical programmer, and machine learning software engineer.
I passionately advocate for open source software and contribute to many open source projects, especially in the Julia language, including:
ArviZ: exploratory analysis of statistical models
Manifolds.jl: algorithms and statistics on manifolds
ChainRules.jl: generic automatic differentiation rules
e3fp: 3D molecular fingerprinting
Check out some of my projects or publications, or follow me on GitHub, Mastodon, or Twitter.
Machine Learning Research Engineer, ML ⇌ Science Colaboratory, University of Tübingen (2021-present)
Postdoctoral Researcher, UCSF (2020-2021)
Systems Analyst, DOE Joint Genome Institute (2009-2014)
Bayesian Computational Biology in Julia, with Seth Axen on the Learning Bayesian Statistics podcast.